Fostering Modeling Skills through Simulation-based Learning among Grade 7 Students

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Narawich Lakol
Krittiya Intip
Nutnicha Insuwan
Banyada Sintang
Monsit Kongyut
Nattakan Prachanban


This study aimed to accomplish three primary objectives: 1) to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of model-based learning for Grade 7 students, following the 75/75 criteria; 2) to compare students’ modeling skills after implementing the model-based learning approach against a 70% standard; and 3) to assess changes in learning achievement regarding before and after the implementation of the model-based learning approach for Grade 7 students. The sample consisted of a single Grade 7 classroom of 36 students from a school under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office in Phichit, selected through cluster random sampling. The research tools included: 1) model-based learning, rated as highly appropriate with a mean score of 4.88 and a standard deviation of 0.33; 2) an assessment for modeling skills, based on a 4-level behavioral observation rubric with five items; and 3) a learning achievement test, consisting of 20 multiple-choice questions with item-objective congruence indices ranging from 0.67 to 1.00. Statistical methods employed for data analysis included mean, standard deviation, t-test for one sample, and t-test for dependent samples. The finding indicated that the model-based learning for Grade 7 students exceeded the 75/75 criteria. Furthermore, the students' modeling skills after implementing the model-based learning approach were significantly higher than the 70% standard at the .05 level, and their learning achievement after utilizing the model-based learning approach was also considerably more significant than before, at the .05 level.


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Lakol, N., Intip, K., Insuwan, N., Sintang, B., Kongyut, M., & Prachanban, N. (2025). Fostering Modeling Skills through Simulation-based Learning among Grade 7 Students. Leadership Educational Administration Development Journal, Ramkhamhaeng University, 2(1), LEADRU0201e1226. Retrieved from
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