Digital Buddhist Economics Learning Management Approach to Promotes Sustainable Citizenship in the Digital Society of Secondary School Students


  • Phoomnat Yongpeerakul Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai University
  • Charin Mangkhang Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai University
  • Varintorn Siripongnapat Chiang Mai University


Digital Buddhist Economics Education, Sustainable Citizenship, Digital Society


The research objectives for (1) Studying the learning management process digital economics Buddhist which promote to be the sustainable citizenship of secondary school students, and (2) proposing trend of the learning management process digital economics Buddhist which promote to be the sustainable citizenship of secondary school students. This is qualitative research. The research methodology involved the collection of data through document analysis and semi-structured interviews conducted with nine teachers specializing in social studies at the secondary school students.

The results of this research reveal that: (1) The learning management process consists of a total of 6 steps: T (Topic), I (Inspect), M (Make progress), E (Epitomize), R (Recommend) and S (Spread) and (2) The learning management guidelines consist of three dimensions: 1) learning activity organization; 2) media and learning resources; and 3) assessment and evaluation.



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