Developing History Dialogic Learning Based on Scenario Simulation to Promote Creative Thinking Skill of Junior High School Students


  • Charin Mangkhang Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai University
  • Phichamon chaiphinet Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai University
  • Varintorn Siripongnapat Chiang Mai University


Dialogic Learning Strategies, Creative Thinking Skill, Scenario Simulation


This research aims to: 1) Evaluate quality history dialogic learning based on scenario simulation learning plan to promote creative thinking skill of junior high school students, and 2) study the result of this history dialogic learning based on scenario simulation learning plan to promote creative thinking skill of junior high school students. The sample group consists of 28 students from Mathayom 2/1 (Grade 8) and 5 experts. The research tools used were: 1) The history dialogic learning strategies based on scenario simulation learning plan to promote creative thinking skill of junior high school students, and 2) the student creative thinking assessment form.

The research findings revealed that:

  1. The overall quality of history dialogic learning strategies based on scenario simulation learning plan to promote creative thinking skill of junior high school students was rated at the highest level (M=4.52, SD=0.62).
  2. The evaluation of students' creative thinking skills, after participating in the future simulation-based dialogue-based learning, showed a progress rate of 46.63%.


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