The Call of the Patient: Ritual of the Tai Daeng tribe, Ban Ta On Tai, Chiang Kho City, Hoa Phan Province, Lao People's Democratic Republic


  • Chalermsuk Boodphuang Mahasakham University
  • Phon Pengpanya Suphanuvong University Lao People's Democratic Republic


Calling for the injured , Tai Daeng tribe , Houaphan Province, Lao People's Democratic Republic


This article aims to 1) study the context of the Tai Daeng tribe of Ban Ta On Tai. Chiang Kho City, Hua Phan Province, Lao PDR 2) study the script to call to the wounded in the ritual of the Ban Ta On Tai tribe, and 3) find ways to preserve the script to call to the injured in the Ban Ta Daeng tribe. Southern Ta-on Muang Chiang Kho, Houaphan Province, Lao PDR, using a qualitative research model and folklore data synthesis methods.

            The results of the study, using the method of synthesizing folklore data, found that 1) the Tai Daeng tribe of Ban Ta On Tai, Hua Phan Province, Lao PDR, has a way of life that is connected to the worship of sacred things around them, such as Ancestor ghosts, forest lords, mountain lords, water keeper They have their own spoken language (Tai Daeng), but there is no clear written language (Tai Daeng). As for those who have been inherited to lead the ceremony to call on the wounded It has been passed down from the ancestors by teaching the chants and then memorizing them. There are no textbooks, written records. 2) When people in the Tai Daeng community, Ban Ta On Tai, have symptoms of illness without knowing what the cause is. It is believed that it is caused by the disappearance of morality, possibly due to the actions of the ghosts of the ancestors. King of the forest The script for calling the sick people of the Tai Daeng tribe, Ban Ta On Tai, appeared in 3 contents as follows: 3.1) Intercession with sacred things 3.2) Forbidding morale and giving warnings to the sick 3.3) Calling the morale of the sick Those who are sick are returned to live with themselves. 3) Conservation guidelines Ceremony to call for the wounded of the Tai Daeng tribe, Ban Ta On Tai Muang Chiang Kho, Houaphan Province, Lao PDR, including disseminating ritual knowledge to the public through the recording of audio tapes calling for the injured. Because there was no inheritance by heirs or written language. Those who are interested or want to learn the chants You only have to listen and remember.


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