Lab Room: Learning Management for Employability through Active Learning Processes


  • Worapol Srithep Office of the Basic Education Commission


Active learning process, learning for employment, skill training laboratory


In an era of rapidly changing technology and increasingly challenging and complex work environments, developing the necessary skills for future work is crucial for learners. Current education must adapt its learning approaches to prepare students to effectively adapt and respond to the demands of the labor market. Active learning is a teaching strategy that emphasizes student participation and hands-on practice, which can effectively foster the essential skills for 21st century work. Implementing the S-E-E-K-S process in designing skill training laboratories includes: 1) Creating simulated scenarios for students to practice problem-solving and teamwork, 2) Developing learning environments akin to real workplaces, 3) Providing guidance and closely monitoring progress, 4) Assessing knowledge through various theoretical and practical methods, and 5) Promoting independent self-learning. This approach cultivates five critical skills: problem-solving, project management, interpersonal skills, perseverance, and professionalism - competencies necessary for students to adapt to today's challenging and rapidly evolving work environments.


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