Personnel Competency Development and Performance Efficiency of Takhop Subdistrict Administrative Organization Pak Thong Chai District Nakhon Ratchasima Province


  • Pramote Ketkarn Faculty of Public Administration, Pathumthani University
  • Dr.Siriphat Kunwutthirit Faculty of Public Administration, Pathumthani University


development, personnel competency, operational efficiency


The purpose of this study was to 1) study the level of personnel competency development and operational efficiency, 2) study the level of operational efficiency, and 3) study the relationship between personnel competency development and operational efficiency of Takhhop Subdistrict Administrative Organization Pak Thong Chai District Nakhon Ratchasima Province The population in this study was the village headman, the village headman's assistant in the area of Tambon Takhhop Administrative Organization and 120political and permanent personnel with a questionnaire as a study tool. Statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean and standard deviation and descriptive statistics
The results of the study revealed that 1) the results of analyzing the personal data of the respondents Regarding personnel competency development and operational efficiency, it was found that Most of the respondents were female, representing 65.00 percent. aged between 31-40 years, representing 38.34 percent, having education at the level of vocational certificates - bachelor's degrees, representing 74.17 percent concept Characteristics and motivation Overall, the level is high. The areas with the highest average values were skill and motivation. Followed by the characteristics of self-concept or attitude, values and knowledge with the lowest average. in terms of reducing operational procedures quality of work and customer satisfaction The overall picture is high. The aspect with the highest average was the customer satisfaction, followed by the quality of work. in terms of reducing operational procedures 4) The results of the analysis of the relationship between personnel competency development and operational efficiency revealed that knowledge, skills, self-concept or attitude, values, specific characteristics. and motivation There was a positive correlation with operational efficiency. by motivation had the highest positive correlation with operational efficiency.


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