
  • Thawat Chamnanchol Faculty of Public Administration, Siam Technology College
  • Associate Professor Dr. Sakda Silpapisan Faculty of Public Administration, Siam Technology College


public service delivery, administrative environment, effectiveness


According to the public service survey of Noen Phra Subdistrict Municipality, Muang District, Rayong Province, it was found that there were problems. Promotion of public services Therefore, the researcher has applied the concept of Krittmate Ophange about 5 factors in the management environment: 1. Economic factors. 2.Social and cultural factors 3. Legal and political factors 4. Technological factors 5.Natural Factors The objectives are: 1. to study the level of administrative effectiveness of Noenphra Sub-district Municipality, Muang District, Rayong Province; 2. to study administrative environmental factors affecting the administrative effectiveness of Noenphra Sub-district Municipality, Mueang District, Rayong Province. This time, it was a quantitative research. The population was 1,250 employees of the sub-district municipality. By calculating according to the formula of Taro Yamane, there were 303 people and randomly selected the sample group. to collect information by specific random method The statistics used to analyze the data were frequency distribution, percentage, standard deviation. For analytical statistics, the Pearson correlation coefficient. 
The results of the study found that 1) The administrative environmental factors of Noen Phra Subdistrict Municipality, Muang District, Rayong Province were at a high level in all 5 aspects, namely legal and political factors, followed by natural factors, technological factor economic factors and social factors, and 2) administrative environmental factors of Noen Phra Subdistrict Municipality, Muang District, Rayong Province. were at a high level in 4 aspects, namely, obstacles, opportunities, and weaknesses and strengths; 3) effectiveness of management at a high level, namely internal processes Operational results procurement and resource allocation Organization Development and the ability to create satisfaction has the lowest. 4) Administrative environmental factors affecting the administrative effectiveness of Noen Phra Sub-district Municipality, Muang District, Rayong Province. Factors with moderate correlation were external factors r =.380**, low correlation factors. is internal environmental factors. Therefore, external factors affect the effectiveness of the administration of Noen Phra Subdistrict Municipality, Muang District, Rayong Province. External factors should develop and improve the economic strategic plan to recover for effective management. Should take care and encourage people in the area to increase the population. The sub-district municipality helps families in childbirth and should use modern information technology to manage the work for efficiency and effectiveness. External factors: budgets should be allocated in each area to be sufficient to meet the needs of personnel. Should create understanding and knowledge for the people on the law of rights and liberties. Participation in the preparation of the district development plan To make the management participant more effective.
The findings were that the people wanted the municipalities to support them to get more education and provide scholarships to people who wanted to study but did not have scholarships. and bring modern technology to manage work efficiently and effectively Which agencies can use as information in policy formulation to lead to better public service practices.


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