Marketing mix influencing consumer purchasing decision of products and services via Facebook platform in Nonthaburi Province.


  • Piyawadee Kaewseekao -
  • Anis Batuseng Faculty of Business Administration/Rajapruk University
  • Areeya Pommee Faculty of Business Administration/Rajapruk University


Marketing mix, Purchase Decision, Facebook platform


This study aims to examine 1) demographic characteristics, 2) marketing mix (7P’s) and 3) Compare the marketing mix (7P’s) in the purchasing decisions of consumer in Nonthaburi Province when buying products and services through the Facebook platform. This quantitative research targets consumers in Nonthaburi, with a sample size of 400, determined according to Yamane's formula. Data collection is conducted through surveys. Statistical analysis includes frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and one-way ANOVA. The research findings indicate that 1) the sample group predominantly consists of single, private company employees aged 31-40 with a bachelor's degree, earning 10,001-20,000 baht per month; 2) the marketing mix elements influencing purchasing decisions on Facebook into 7 aspects 1) Product and services 2) Price 3) Distribution channels 4) Marketing promotion 5) Personnel 6) Processes 7) Physical evidence. The findings indicate that physical evidence is rated at the highest level, while price is rated at a high level. 3) Compare the marketing mix (7P’s) in the purchasing decisions of consumer in Nonthaburi Province when buying products and services through the Facebook platform. The results reveal the following Gender and age show significant differences across all aspects. Occupation shows significant differences in the price aspects. Marital status show significant differences in the process aspect at the 0.05 singnificance level.


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2025-02-27 — Updated on 2025-02-27



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