The Opinions of Teachers & Education Personnel Towards the Private Education Development Plan: A Case Study of Private Schools in Bangkok
Private Education Development Plan, Opinions, Private SchoolAbstract
This research is a quantitative study that also utilizes qualitative data from the opinions of relevant stakeholders. The objective is to study the opinions of teachers and educational personnel on the private education development plan and compare these opinions based on gender, age, position, education level, years of service, and type of educational institution. Additionally, it aims to provide recommendations for the development of private education. The sample for this research comprised 395 teachers and educational personnel from private schools in Bangkok. The sample size was determined using W.G. Cochran's formula and multi-stage sampling. The data collection tool was a questionnaire with a reliability of 0.957. Statistical methods used for data analysis included frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and pairwise comparison using LSD.
The research findings revealed that: 1) The overall and specific aspects of teachers' and educational personnel's opinions on the private education development plan were at a moderate level. 2) Teachers and educational personnel with different personal factors had similar overall opinions on the private education development plan. However, when examined by specific aspects, it was found that those in different positions had different opinions on the third aspect, which is improving the efficiency of resource use for education. Additionally, teachers and educational personnel working in different types of schools had differing opinions on both overall and specific aspects of the private education development plan. 3) Recommendations for the development of private education are divided into four areas: 1. Improving management efficiency, such as incorporating information technology to enhance efficiency. 2. Creating participation from all sectors of society, such as promoting and supporting private education networks. 3. Enhancing the efficiency of resource use for education, such as encouraging resource mobilization from various sectors. 4. Promoting fair competition mechanisms under state supervision, such as organizing meetings and forums to gather opinions.
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