Work Attitudes Affection Personnel Performance Efficiency: A Case Study of Field Administration Division, National Statistical Office of Thailand
Work Attitudes, Performance Efficiency, Field Administration DivisionAbstract
The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the level of performance efficiency, 2) to compare performance efficiency based on individual factors, 3) to examine work attitudes affecting performance efficiency, 4) to propose personnel development guidelines. Two sets of questionnaires were used: The first set focused on work attitudes affecting performance efficiency and was administered to a sample of 120 individuals, selected through Proportional Stratified Sampling. Upon analyzing the first set of questionnaire responses, the researcher identified certain issues that required attention. These issues were summarized and grouped to design the second set of questionnaires, which consisted of open-ended questions about personnel development proposals and was administered to a Purposive Sampling of 6 individuals. The responses were then summarized, analyzed, and categorized to develop personnel development guidelines.
The study found that the overall levels of performance efficiency and work attitudes were very high. The hypothesis testing revealed that: 1) personnel with different individual factors, such as age and work experience, 2) work attitudes including Cognitive Component, Affective Component, and Behavioral Component which significantly affected performance efficiency. The work attitude most affecting performance efficiency was Cognitive Component, followed by Behavioral Component and Affective Component. In addition, the personnel development proposals suggested that lessons learned after the completion of a project to identify problems and solutions, thereby improving the efficiency of the work process.
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