Strategic Transformation of Y Company Based on SWOT Quantitative Analysis
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The purposes of this study were 1). to determine the internal and external environment of Y company, 2). to analyze the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats of Y company, and get the SWOT matrix, and 3). to draw the strategic quadrilateral through Y company's SWOT quantitative model. Qualitative method was used to analyze the current external environment and internal conditions of Y company. Quantitative method using SWOT analysis was employed to score the key elements and establish a judgment matrix. The strategic quadrilateral was drawn through the questionnaire survey of 10 experts and 10 senior management personnel of Y company to determine the type of strategic transformation of Y company. According to qualitative and quantitative analysis of Y company, the implementation plan of group strategic transformation was formulated and the strategy implementation path and safeguard measures taken were introduced in details. This study could form theoretical exploration for the strategic transformation of Y company, guide the reform practice, provide inspiration and suggestions for the strategic decision makers of cloud investment group transformation and development, and provide reference for China's state-owned investment and financing platform companies.
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