
  • Degnet Wondu Yaregal
  • Ayii Peter Alier


In the contemporary globalized market, consumers are well informed about every product category of what they prefer. As the market face unpredictable challenges strategic planning is mandatory to cop up and secure business existence. Brand extension is a noble proposition for alternative market in catastrophic incidents like COVID 19 global pandemic. The increasing demand for non-alcoholic beer during post COVID-19 pandemic reflects a growing trend towards healthier lifestyle preferences and wellness-focused consumption habits. The production of non-alcoholic beer has opened up new marketing opportunities for breweries, allowing them to target diverse demographics such as sportspersons, pregnant women, designated drivers, and health-conscious individuals who look for flavorful alternatives without compromising on social experiences.

This study will try to show the brand extension product of BGI brewery, the first beer company of the country.  SEN’Q is the company’s first nonalcoholic product, after about 100 years of operation in Ethiopia. Introducing a new brand requires more effort for companies to persuade consumers from trial to preference set. The study was conducted taking nonalcoholic beer market as reference and focus which factors more influence customer preference. Bahir Dar city is base of the study.

It shows the consumers perception and the results are useful in providing insights into the market characteristics.  There is significant and positive relationship in various measures and circumstances between brand preference of beer products and the eight independent variables; CSR, price, health matter, situational variation, advertisement, life style, brand awareness, product quality, with the dependent variable brand preference. A questionnaire survey was conducted. Data was collected from 360 nonalcoholic beer consumers. From the findings Consumers brand preference for brand driven by the perceived quality standard of the parent brand and the supposed suitability is discovered.


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