The Influence of User Interaction on User Purchasing Behavior of Social E-Commerce Platform-A Case Study of Little Red Book


  • Xiaohuan Yan 1MBA. Candidate, Faculty of Management, Shinawatra University
  • Dr.Tippawan Lertatthakornkit Shinawatra University


Social E-commerce Platform, Little Red Book, User Interaction, User Purchase Behavior


With the rapid development of Internet shopping today, various social e-commerce platforms have emerged endlessly, which have changed people's consumption habits. Taking Little Red Book platform as an example, this study aims to explore the influence of user interaction under social e-commerce platform on user purchasing behavior. This paper adopted empirical research, literature review and purposeful investigation methods, and collected 431 usable questionnaires through questionnaire survey to analyze the influence of user-generated content, social interaction and product interaction on user purchasing behavior in social e-commerce platform. According to the quantitative analysis results, high-quality user-generated content, frequent social interaction and positive product interaction will have a significant positive impact on user purchasing behavior in social e-commerce platforms. Therefore, the social e-commerce platform should pay attention to these survey conclusions, improve the marketing strategy and development direction of Little Red Book platform, so as to promote the completion of user purchase behavior and better promote the development of social e-commerce platform.


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