
  • Wei Liu Faculty of Management, Shinawatra University
  • Dr. Eksiri Niyomsilp Faculty of Management, Shinawatra University


Current situation; Development trend; Population aging


At present ,with the deepening of the aging degree of China's population, the quantitative demographic dividend effect is weakening. Especially after the turn of the century, a series of impacts brought by the increasingly distorted population structure are inevitable and cannot be ignored. Based on the data of 31 provinces and cities in China from 2000 to 2016, this paper selects variables such as per capita REAL GDP, old-age dependency ratio, labor force share, birth rate, technological innovation ability, average years of education, and savings rate.rom the static and dynamic two directions to make empirical research, sensitivity test, the final regression conclusion.Through the analysis found that in the short term. Ageing has certain positive economic effect, but in the face of entering an aging society rapidly, and depth stage, the society, the dependency ratio will rapidly rising in the long run, China's economy is by the negative impact is far more than its positive effect, namely the empirical conclusions are almost consistent with the initial theoretical derivation. At present, countries are actively formulate relevant solutions, take measures to slow down the population structure imbalance continues to impact, therefore, at the end of the paper, based on the theoretical and empirical results, from the pattern of economic development, birth policy, older industries, labor quality quantity, old-age security service system four aspects gives the policy Suggestions, in order to provide valuable reference.


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