Factor Affecting Learning Achievement in Science Subjects of Mathayomsuksa 5 Students in the United Campus Naresuan of Secondary Educational Service Area Office Phitsanulok Uttaradit
Learning Achievement, Science Subjects, Factor Affecting Learning AchievementAbstract
The purpose of this study were to study the level of factors affecting science learning achievement of students Mathayom 5 Saha Naresuan Campus Phitsanulok Uttaradit Service of secondary education office area, to study the relationship of factors affecting science learning achievement of students Mathayom 5 Saha Naresuan Campus Phitsanulok Uttaradit Service of secondary education office area and to establish forecasting equations of factor affecting science learning students Mathayom 5 Saha Naresuan Campus Phitsanulok Uttaradit Service of secondary education office area. The research sample was 367 Students Mathayom 5 in 2nd semester, academic year 2023 from 4 schools, Saha Naresuan Campus Phitsanulok Uttaradit Service of secondary education office area. The research instrument was 5 rating scale questionnaires on factors affecting science learning achievement. The questionnaires divided into 5 parts namely: Motivation Achievement, Learning Attitude, Quality of Instruction, Classroom Atmosphere and Learning Aptitude. The questionnaire had 55 questions with IOC value between 0.60 – 1.00, reliability value with Cronbach’s alpha coefficient 0.81. The data were analyzed using standard deviation, Pearson Product Moment Correlation, and multiple regression analysis.
The study findings were as follow:
- The opinion of students Mathayom 5 Saha Naresuan Campus Phitsanulok Uttaradit Service of secondary education office area towards factor affecting science learning achievement overall was at a high level (x = 4.44, S.D. = 0.55)
- Factors of motivation achievement had positive relationship with science learning achievement statistics significance at .05 level. For Quality of Instruction, Classroom Atmosphere and Learning Aptitude had positive relationship with science learning success with no statistics significance.
Factors of motivation achievement (X1) can forecasting science learning achievement of students Mathayom 5 Saha Naresuan Campus Phitsanulok Uttaradit Service of secondary education office area for 2.10 percents with equation as follows:
Unstandardized Score
Y’ = 64.559 + .051X1
Standardized Score
Z’ = .144Z1
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