Development of HR Practice Model for Four-Star Hotel Industry in Yunnan Province during COVID-19 Pandemic
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This study explores the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on human resources in the four-star hotel industry in Yunnan Province, explores the role of human resource practices in four-star hotels in Yunnan Province during COVID-19 pandemic, and proposes a model of human resource practices in the hotel industry. This study used qualitative research as the research design, constructivist as the research paradigm, and grounded theory methodology to investigate the role of human resource practices in four-star hotels in Yunnan Province. The data collection method of this study was in-depth interviews, and data information was collected from 20 human resource practitioners in four-star hotels in Yunnan Province. The data were manually coded and then analyzed. The research results indicate that COVID-19 pandemic has caused human resource impacts and challenges in Yunnan Province. Reasonable implementation of human resource practices can help hotels cope with these impact and reduce hotel losses.
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