Faculty of Medicine MSU: The transformation of strategic plan to action plan


  • Uraporn Yatra Faculty of Medicine, Mahasarakham University


Transformation, Strategic Plan, Action Plan


The objective of this study was to investigate, the transformation of strategic plan to action plan of the faculty of Medicine, Mahasarakham University, during the year 2014-2016. The subjects were 32 executives. Tools used for data collection were the study format documents, and the inquiry test. The statistics used were Percentile, Mean, Standard Deviation and Content Analysis. Results showed that, In addition, it was found that working performances according to the action plan, continuatively become effective, accomplished, and increased each year. Budgets of the plans were most spent on foods and drinks, the daily allowance, transportation , and other materials respectively. The excess budget from each project / activity each year was decreasing. Transformation of strategic plans to implementation (action plan), enabled all personnel more understanding and recognizing the importance of works which can be accomplished and controlled in the real action. The strategic plans, including teaching and learning management, the research, the academy support, health service, local art and cultural support and the general administrative management, were highly successful transformed. The achievement of the plan transformation was a result of cooperation of personnel to set up and transform the strategic plan to the action plans. This made the working performance of the medicine faculty more advance and progressively accepted by the social and the community.


