Problems and guidelines for development of fnancial and accounting services that affect affecting the satisfaction of service recipients of Mahasarakham University


  • Wipaporn Wongsritep Faculty of Cultural Science Mahasarakham University


Problems, development guidelines, financial and accounting services, affecting satisfaction


This research has the following objectives: 1) to study the current conditions and problems of the service 2) to study the guidelines
for service development and 3) to study the satisfaction of service recipients after service development Conducting studies with personnel and students in Mahasarakham University A group of 750 respondents of the service satisfaction of the service recipients. The tools used in the research were 3 versions: 1) the satisfaction of the service recipients as a rating scale of 5 levels with conf dence values 2) questionnaires and 3) Interview form for improving the efficiency of the financial and accounting services Analyzing data by using perscentage, mean, Standard deviation, and summarizing the issues and then presenting them with analytical description
The research found that
1. From the study of the problems of f nancial and accounting services in order to enhance the satisfaction of service recipients in
Mahasarakham University in 4 areas: 1) Disbursement documents are not completely correct (gif.latex?\bar{x} =1: S.D.=0.3) 2) Delayed disbursement is not possible. (gif.latex?\bar{x} =1.34: S.D.=0.47) 3) Requesting f nancial information and evidence of disbursement, take a long time, public relations, information, information is slow. (gif.latex?\bar{x} =1.37: S.D.=0.48) 4) Personnel give suggestions and suggestions. The question about the legal regulations and guidelines are unclear. (gif.latex?\bar{x} =1.01: S.D.=0.1)
2. Guidelines for providing f nancial and accounting services to enhance the satisfaction of service recipients in Mahasarakham
University, namely 1) Review current operations methods 77.23 percent 2) Add communication / public relations channels, f nancial and accounting jobs through the website of Mahasarakham University. And Electronic Document System or MSU-EDS 76.83 percent 3) Personnel Development 75.23 percent
3. Satisfaction level for f nancial and accounting services Based on the opinions of the service recipients after the development of
eff ciency, it was found that the improvement in four aspects, namely, duration, process, information And personnel.


