Participation in internal quality assurance of support staff engineering, Mahasarakham University


  • Chyaporn Siriyota Faculty of Engineering, Mahasarakham University


Participation, Internal Quality Assurance, Support staff


This research aims 1) to study the participation of support personnel on the internal quality assurance operations of the Faculty
of Engineering, Mahasarakham University, 2) to investigate the participation of the internal quality assurance of the support personnel
of the Faculty of Engineering, Mahasarakrm University, classified by status, number of training, number of admission of the policies
for educational quality assurance, and participation in the educational quality assurance committee, and 3) to study the problems and
obstacles of participation in the internal quality assurance of the support personnel of the Faculty of Engineering, Mahasarakham
University. The sample group was 36 support persons working in the academic year 2017. Data collection tools included interview,
questionnaire, and a forum to exchange knowledge. Data analysis was carried out based on frequency, mean and standard deviation.
The results showed that 1) the participation of the support personnel on internal quality assurance operations of the Faculty of
Engineering, Mahasarakham University, demonstrated that the highest average participation in work internal quality assurance (gif.latex?\bar{x} =3.39) was from the university staff, followed by the part time employee (gif.latex?\bar{x} =3.14). 2) Based on the participation of the internal quality
assurance of the support personnel of the Faculty of Engineering, Mahasarakham University, the overall picture is at a moderate level
(gif.latex?\bar{x} =3.19) and when considering each aspect, it was found that the highest level of participation was training on internal quality assurance of support personnel of the Faculty of Engineering, Mahasarakham University, (gif.latex?\bar{x} =3.49) followed by listening to internal education quality assurance policy (gif.latex?\bar{x} =3.10) and participation in the internal quality assurance committee (gif.latex?\bar{x} =2.99). 3) The analysis results of problems and obstacles of participation in internal quality assurance of the support personnel of the Faculty of Engineering, Mahasarakham University, was based on 6 questions and interviews in each item areas including 3.1) the understanding and attitudes about internal quality assurance having the highest rank of frequency followed by 3.2) cooperation, 3.3) information and informatic systems for decision making, 3.4) the perception and hearing of the internal quality assurance policy, 3.5) the leadership of the worker, and 3.6) support and motivation for work.


