Effectiveness of the performance evaluation according to the work development agreement (Performance Agreement: PA) of Pak Kret Municipality teachers, Nonthaburi Province
effectiveness, performance evaluation, According to the work development agreement (PA)Abstract
This research has the research objectives (1) To study the effectiveness of the performance evaluation according to the work development agreement (Performance Agreement: PA) of Pak Kret Municipality teachers, Nonthaburi Province. And (2) To compare the effectiveness of the evaluation of the performance of the work development agreement (Performance Agreement: PA) of the teachers of Pak Kret Municipality, Nonthaburi Province, classified by personal factors. The sample group used in this research was 83 municipal teachers under Pak Kret Municipality. After the researcher has collected and analyzed the data according to the research objectives found that The effectiveness of the performance evaluation according to the work development agreement (Performance Agreement: PA) of the teachers of Pak Kret Municipality, Nonthaburi Province, in general and in each aspect It was found that all 4 aspects were at a high level as well. They were ranked from highest to lowest in terms of average value as follows: In terms of personal and professional development, the average score was 4.22. Next is the aspect of developing student outcomes and the aspect of promoting and supporting learning management, with an average score of 4.16. and in terms of learning management, the average score was 4.11, respectively. Hypothesis test results 1) To study the efficiency level of performance evaluation according to the work development agreement (Performance Agreement: PA) of Pak Kret Municipality teachers, Nonthaburi Province. It was found that the overall level was at a high level. The average is 4.15. When considering each aspect, it was found that all four aspects were at a high level. Sort by average from highest to lowest as follows: In terms of personal and professional development, the average score was 4.22. Next is the aspect of developing student outcomes and the aspect of promoting and supporting learning management, with an average score of 4.16. and in terms of learning management, the average score was 4.11, respectively. 2) To compare the means of the effectiveness of the performance evaluation according to the work development agreement (Performance Agreement: PA) of Pak Kret Municipality teachers, Nonthaburi Province. classified by personal factors. found that Teachers working in different educational institutions resulted in the effectiveness of performance evaluation according to the work development agreement (Performance Agreement: PA) of teachers of Pak Kret Municipality, Nonthaburi Province, which was significantly different at the 0.05 level. As for other variables Including gender, age, education level, job position, academic qualification, and length of employment (years). No effect on effectiveness of the performance evaluation according to the work development agreement (Performance Agreement: PA) of Pak Kret Municipality teachers, Nonthaburi Province.
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