Raising Awareness Through Art: A Qualitative Examination of European Elements in Thai Contemporary Art
Contemporary art, social issues, Thailand, Europe, art, cultureAbstract
Equality, Inclusion, and sustainability efforts are some of the omnipresent social issues we are facing. Being a leader on these issues and advancing discussion and awareness is, among other things, an important part of contemporary art. This paper analyses the strategies used in European contemporary art to address social issues, focusing on their applicability in Thailand. The study aimed to clarify the applicability of transferring these strategies to the Thai context, taking into account the potential challenges of direct adoption. To give a deeper insight into the European elements, a literature review was conducted, concentrating mainly on two factors, which were public installations and policies. In the Thai context, five interviews were conducted with experienced and knowledgeable curators and directors of arts institutions. Through the interviews, it became clear that adoption of European factors in contemporary art cannot be achieved easily. This is mainly due to a lack of art education and art appreciation in Thai society. First of all, art education has to be improved so that contemporary art can be given more attention in Thai society. The implementation of policies, particularly concerning tax incentives and further financial support, was also identified as an important factor for the future of contemporary art in Thailand.
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