Development of a smart template for relations media


  • Parichat Muangprakaew School of Liberal Arts, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi
  • Alisa Sangwiman School of Liberal Arts, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi


Template, Smart Public Relations Media


The Public Relations (PR) affairs division of the School of Liberal Arts, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi: KMUTT, is in
charge of PR media production to 4 units of the faculty, and publication of internal and external news. For previous PR media publication, the division had to design new graphics for particular works, causing wasted time for design and information errors. Moreover, due to the current COVID-19 outbreak, the operation has changed. Miscommunication between activity owners and the producer also causes delayed publication. This research aimed to analyze, design, develop, test, try out, and improve the smart PR media template system under the conceptual framework of information system development life cycle: SDLC into a smart system. Theories of system creation and dataset arrangement, design, composition, and coloring were used, along with graphic and template creators. The f ndings revealed a developed smart template that facilitated easier and faster operation of media producers with less errors and a decision-making assistant. The system made it possible for the service provider and users to become media producers. It helped with choosing up to 600 patterns. According to template system assessment by 3 technological experts, it was found that the system met the expectation in terms of changing texts and font types, adding pictures, and changing colors under the optional conditions. The system also met operational functions as it worked efficiently for fast data processing taking no more than one minute, high accuracy, and correctness of all media obtained.


