Factors affecting in conducting research by support staff at Mahasarakham University (MSU)


  • Thitisak Wechakama Faculty of Cultural science Mahasarakham University


Conducting Research, Factors Affecting, Supporting Staff


This research on factors affecting in conducting the research of MSU supporting staffs aims to (1) study the level of personal factors,
motivation factors, and supporting or maintenance factors, (2) study the research factors in conducting the research of the MSU supporting staffs, (3) compare opinions about the factors, which relate to the research conducted by MSU supporting staff, who have different gender, age, educational level and departments and (4) study personal, motivation and supporting or maintenance factors that affect the factors in conducting the research of MSU supporting staff. The sample group used in this research was 327 supporting staff. The tool used in gathering data was a questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis were the percentage of mean standard deviation and multiple regression analysis. From the results, it is found that.
1. Most of the supporting staff are female aged 30–40 years old, they had bachelor’s degree education level, more than 15 years of
operating duration in a department aff liated with the teaching support unit. The whole motivation factors in conducting research is at high levels. Their average values in descending order were: the progress in the job, the research characteristic, to have self-esteem, the kind of work they are responsible for, to receive the respect and freedom to do, the research. The overall factors in supporting research were at high levels. The average values in descending order were: job stability, the supporting policy of the department, work environment and facilities, the relationships with the departments or superior off cer, quality of life and the relationships with colleagues.
2. The overall factors in conducting research were at high levels. Its average values in descending order were: characteristics
of the researcher, research resources, research advisor, research knowledge, the department‘s policy, research skills and research
budgets. The male and female supporting staff had no differences in overall opinion. When considered in individual aspects, it was found that differences in research advisor, budget and age shall have different idea in research characteristics.
Differences in the level of education and the department have no differences ideas. Differences in the operating duration have
different idea in research knowledge resources, department’s policy and the research characteristics.
3. The motivation factors in conducting the research, in terms of freedom of conducting the research (X2), self-esteem (X5) and responsible job characteristics (X6) have signif cant positive effects on overall research factors (Y). The predictive equation of the above mentioned factors in conducting the research is as follows: Y/ = 1.407+ 0.246(X2*)+0.242(X5*)+ 0.124(X6*)
4. Sustaining factors or maintenance factors in conducting research in the aspects of department’s supporting policy (X1), the
working environment and facilities (X4) and the quality of life (X6) had significant positive effects on the overall research conducting factor (Y). The predictive equation of the above mentioned factors in conducting the research is as follow: Y/ = 1.407+ 0.246(X2*)+ 0.242(X5*)+0.124(X6*)


