Factors Related to Performance Efficiency of Core Competencies of Supporting Staff in Walai Rukhavej Botanical Research Institute, Mahasarakham University


  • Khathalee Sakdakham Walai Rukhavej Botanical Research Institute, Mahasarakham University


Factors, Performance Effciency, Core Competencies, Supporting Staffs


The Purposes of this research were: 1) to evaluate level of performance of core
competencies of supporting staff, and 2) to study the factors affecting performance effciency
of core competencies of supporting staff. The sample group used in this study included 49
supporting staff in Walai Rukhavej Botanical Research Institute (WRBRI), Mahasarakham
University, selected by using the stratifed random sampling technique by using the type of
staff as a random unit. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire with a confdential
interval that ranged between 0.73 to 0.97. The statistics used for data analyses were means,
percentage, standard deviation, Pearson correlation and multiple regression. The results of the
study were as follows.
1. Core competencies of supporting staff had relatively high levels when based on overall
performance or particular aspects of performance.
2. Factors affecting performance effciency of core competencies of supporting staff
were as follows.
2.1 Ten factors were signifcantly correlated to the core competencies at a signifcance
level of 0.01. Another factor related to the core competencies at a signifcance level of 0.05,
whereas two factors were not signifcantly correlated.
2.2 Factors affecting performance effciency were the work stability and the career status
factors. These two factors had coeffcients of the predictors in the form of raw scores at 0.280
and 0.301, and the predictor coeffcients in the standard score at 0.383 and 0.469, respectively.
The correlation coeffcient was 0.799 with statistical signifcance at the level of 0.01. The
predictive power at 63.90%, the standard error value was 0 .29, and the constant of
equation in the raw score was 2.009. An equation in terms of raw and standard scores could
be written as the follows:
Y’ = 2.009 + 0.301X7+ 0.280X8
Zy’ = 0.469ZX7+ 0.383ZX8


