Factors Affecting Supply Administration Work Effciency at Mahasarakham University


  • Kannika Boonpicam Faculty of Education Mahasarakham University


factor, commodity management effciency, commodity management


This research studied the factors effecting supply administration work effciency at
Mahasarakham University and constructed a predictive equation of the factors having effect
on the effciency of supply administration work . The sample group was personnel assigned
or appointed to perform the work on the parcel of Mahasarakham University. 72 people were
assigned to work on equipments and supplies using cluster random sampling. The instruments
used for data collection were a questionnaire concerning factors effecting supply administration
work effciency of 5-rating scales with 34 items, discriminating powers ranging 0.264-0.888,
and a reliability of 0.61. The collected data were analyzed using stepwise multiple regression
The research fndings were as follows.
1. The factors effecting administration work effciency at Mahasarakham University
(Y), were positively correlated with commanding factors (X2) and budgetary factors (X4), with
signifcance at at 0.05 level.
2. The variables which could predict the factors effecting administration work effciency
at Mahasarakham University (Y), commanding factors (X2) and budgetary factors (X4) could
explain the variability of the factors affecting the effciency for equipment and supplies to 42.60%
and could be written as the predictive equation in a raw-score form and predictive equation in
a standard score form as follows ;
The predictive equation in a raw-score form ;
Y' = 10.177 + .547X2** + .360X4**
The predictive equation in a standardscore form;
ZY'= .427Z2** + .334Z4**


