Development of Memorandum of Understanding System Faculty of Education Mahasarakham University
Memorandum of Understanding system, Faculty of Education, operation manualAbstract
The purpose of this research is to develop the Memorandum of Understanding system
of the Faculty of Education. Mahasarakrm University And to study the results of using the
Memorandum of Understanding system, Faculty of Education Mahasarakrm university In
teaching and research in academic services to communities and society The preservation of
arts and culture According to the 5-step system development process, namely education and
system survey System analysis System design Implementing the system System maintenance
and inspection Using research to conduct 2 development cycles. Each cycle consists of
planning, action, observation and reflection. Group of study participants and 4 informants
Support staff responsible for the Memorandum of Understanding system of 3 people, 7 additional
informants, 3 teachers and 4 support staff. The tools used for collecting data include observation
form, interview form, evaluation form. System and operation manual Analytical form and meeting
record And satisfaction questionnaires, arranging and analyzing data, based on triangular data
validation principles and present the results of the study and descriptive research
The results of the study found that Development of Memorandum of Understanding
system, Faculty of Education Mahasarakrm university Use the brainstorming strategy Workshop
And internal supervision By operating procedures And the manual of the Memorandum of
Understanding system. The results of using the system in the 1st cycle after the development
of the Memorandum of Understanding system.Workers have knowledge and understanding
in the Memorandum of Understanding system.Operate according to the Memorandum of
Understanding system that is relevant, accurate, fast, timely and current Achieve the purpose
of education and service users are satisfed with the Memorandum of Understanding system.
Supply is at the highest level. From document work And actual implementation of the
Memorandum of Understanding system Personnel responsible have a lot of work responsibilities.
Causing some operations to be jammed Therefore, developed in the 2nd round Being accurate,
current, fast.

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