Administration According to Iddhipada 4 Principle of Local Administrative Organizations


  • Thanin Wisetchart Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University


Administration, Four Foundations Principles, Local Government Organizations


Local Administrative Organization  is the the administration  of the community. It is an administrative unit with independent powers as appropriated. It has a reasonable scope as an administrative unit with legal rights. by governing itself by dividing into two divisions namely, the executive organization and the legislative organization. Local administrative organization  refers to the system of governance that results from the decentralization of the state's administrative power from the central government to the regions in order to keep power from being concentrated only in the capital This resulted in an organization that was responsible for the control of the area by the people in that area to make it possible to directly access the problems of each locality in a real way. However, this local organization must still be under the control of the central government or government sector. But it is an organization that plays an important role in governance in a local democracy.







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