Guidelines for Developing Administration According to the Principles of Good Governance of Local Administrative Organizations


  • Khomsan Bunserm Faculty of Social Sciences Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Guidelines, Developing Administration, Local Government Organizations


The article entitled “Guidelines for developing administration according to the principles of good governance of local administrative organizations” was found that administrators must have knowledge, being Knowledgeable about the work in the duties as well as related persons. Executives must start managing themselves, managing people, and managing work well by being a person who reads a lot, listens a lot, and keeps up with the surrounding situation. When receiving any information, one must know how to analyze what one hear. How accurate is it that you have learned? One must have a strong heart, not biased, without prejudice, that is, one must be a person who has justice in one’s heart. However, in measures to create morality, the organization must develop people to be conscientious, to have morality, and ethics. It is very important to select people who are ready to receive development. At the same time, the level of intelligence must be considered. Personality characteristics, character traits, and basic level of consciousness that have been cultivated. One must also be a person who is ready to accept one own shortcomings, to have a firm intention to develop oneself along with allowing others to develop as well. This is in order to jointly promote the creation of moral consciousness among executives to create stability in Thai society in the future.






บทความวิจัย (Research article)